Tutorial: Condition Strings

When creating a configuration file some of the elements have a condition string option. The condition string tells Dynamic Surroundings the circumstances under which a sound or effect can occur. For example, attached the the PLAYER biome is the heartbeat sound that will play when the player is considered “hurt” and will not play at any other time.

There are no boolean types in the language. TRUE and FALSE are based the classic C approach: 0 means FALSE, and TRUE is not FALSE. An expression like “10 * FALSE” will evaluate to “0”.

The expression must generate a TRUE or FALSE result. Any other result will cause an error.

The expression evaluation engine understands the basic set of operators found in most languages. A summary of the operators can be found in the following table.

Built-in Operators
Operator Name Example
+ Plus 5 + 6
- Minus 6 - 5
* Multiply 4 * 5
/ Divide 9 / 4
% Modulus 8 % 4
&& Logical And weather.isNotRaining && diurnal.isDay
|| Logical Or player.temperature == ‘icy’ || player.temperature == ‘cold’
> Greather Than 9 > 8
>= Greater Than Equal 10 >= 11
< Less Than 8 < 9
<= Less Than Equal 6 <= 6
= Equal 8 = 9
== Equivalent ‘this’ == ‘that’
!= Not Equal 9 != 10
<> Not Equal 9 <> 10
! Not Inverts a logical value (See NOT function below)

The expression engine has a set of built-in functions that can be used to simplify expressions.

Built-in Functions
Function Description
MATCH(regex, input) Performs a regular expression match
NOT(expression) Performs a logical not on an expression. A value of 0 becomes 1, and a value of non-zero becomes 0.
IF(condition, trueExp, falseExp) Performs one of two evaluations based on a condition
MAX(exp1,exp2,…) Determines the max value from a selection of expressions
MIN(exp1,exp2,…) Determines the min value from a selection of expressions
ABS(exp) Determines the absolute value of an expression
ROUND(exp) Rounds a number to the closest integer value
FLOOR(exp) Returns the largest integer less than or equal to exp.
CEILING(exp) Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to exp.
SQRT(exp) Calculates the square root of an expression
CLAMP(exp,min,max) Ensures that an expression is within the specified bounds
ONEOF(exp,v1,…) Determines if the result of the expression matches any of the specified values

A few constant variables are provided if they are needed.

Constant Variables
Variable Type Description
TRUE boolean Indicates true. Has a value of 1.
FALSE boolean Indicates false. Has a value of 0.
PI Float 3.1415927

Dimension variables describe the dimension that the player is in.

Dimension Variables
Variable Type Description
dim.id integer ID of the player’s dimension (example: 0 is Overworld)
dim.name string Name of the player’s dimension (example: “Overworld”)
dim.hasSky boolean Indicates whether the player’s dimension has a sky.

Diurnal variables describe the characteristics of the day/night cycle.

Diurnal Variables
Variable Type Description
diurnal.isDay boolean Indicates if it is currently daytime.
diurnal.isNight booean Indicates if it is currently nighttime.
diurnal.isSunrise boolean Indicates if the time of day is sunrise.
diurnal.isSunset boolean Indicates if the time of day is sunset.
diurnal.isAuroraVisible boolean Indicates if an aurora is currently visible.
diurnal.moonPhaseFactor float Indicates the current phase of the moon.
diurnal.celestialAngle float The World’s calculated celestial angle

Weather variables describe the current state of weather in the player’s dimension.

Weather Variables
Variable Type Description
weather.isRaining boolean Whether it is currently raining or not.
weather.isNotRaining boolean Inverse of weather.isRaining.
weather.isThundering boolean Whether the current storm is a thunder storm.
weather.isNotThundering boolean Inverse of weather.isThundering.
weather.rainfall float Current intensity of rainfall, 0.0 - 1.0.
weather.temperatureValue float Temperature of the biome at the player’s current location.
weather.temperature string String indicating the general temperature of the player location (‘icy’, ‘cool’, ‘mild’, ‘warm, ‘hot’).
weather.canWaterFreeze boolean Indicates if it is cold enough for water to freeze

If Serene Seasons is installed, the season variables will provide information about the current season. If Serene Seasons is not installed “noseason” will be reported.

Season Variables
Variable Type Description
season.season string Text description of the current season.
season.type string The current general season (‘noseason’, ‘spring’, ‘summer’, ‘autumn’, ‘winter’).
season.subType string The current subseason (‘nosubtype’, ‘early’, ‘mid’, ‘late’).

Player variables describe some of the attributes of the player at the given point in time.

Player Variables
Variable Type Description
player.isDead boolean Indicates if the player is dead.
player.isHurt boolean Indicates if the player has reached the configured hurt threshold.
player.isHungry boolean Indicates fi the player has reached the configured hunger threshold.
player.isBurning boolean Indicates if the player is on fire.
player.isSuffocating boolean Indicates if the player is suffocating (head in a dirt block type of thing).
player.isFlying boolean Indicates if the player is flying.
player.isSprinting boolean Indicates if the player is sprinting.
player.isInLava boolean Indicates if the player is in lava.
player.isInvisible boolean Indicates if the player is invisible.
player.isBlind boolean Indicates if the player is currently blind.
player.isInWater boolean Indicates if the player is in water.
player.isWet boolean Indicates if the player is wet.
player.isUnderwater boolean Indicates if the player is underwater.
player.isRiding boolean Indicates if the player is currently riding an entity.
player.inBoat boolean Indicates if the player is currently in a boat.
player.isOnGround boolean Indicates if the player is currently standing on the ground.
player.isMoving boolean Indicates if the player is in motion.
player.isInside boolean Indicates if the player is considered inside a structure.
player.isUnderground boolean Indicates if the player is considered underground.
player.isInSpace boolean Indicates if the player is considered to be in space.
player.isInClouds boolean Indicates if the player is considered to be in the clouds.
player.temperature float The players temperature.
player.X float The player’s X coordinate.
player.Y float The player’s Y coordinate.
player.Z float The player’s Z coordinate.
player.health integer The player’s current health.
player.maxHealth integer The player’s maximum health.
player.luck float The player’s current luck level.
player.canRainOn boolean Indicates if the player can be hit by falling rain.
player.canSeeSky boolean Indicates if the player is in a position to see the sky.
player.lightlevel integer Current light level at the player location.
player.inVillage boolean Indicates if the player is within a village radius.
player.food.saturation integer The player’s food saturation level.
player.food.level integer The player’s current food level.

Biome Type variables describe the player’s biome in terms of traits. These traits are defined by Forge.

Biome Type Variables
Variable Type Description
biome.isBEACH boolean The current player biome has the BEACH trait
biome.isCOLD boolean The current player biome has the COLD trait
biome.isCONIFEROUS boolean The current player biome has the CONIFEROUS trait
biome.isDEAD boolean The current player biome has the DEAD trait
biome.isDENSE boolean The current player biome has the DENSE trait
biome.isDRY boolean The current player biome has the DRY trait
biome.isEND boolean The current player biome has the END trait
biome.isFOREST boolean The current player biome has the FOREST trait
biome.isHILLS boolean The current player biome has the HILLS trait
biome.isHOT boolean The current player biome has the HOT trait
biome.isJUNGLE boolean The current player biome has the JUNGLE trait
biome.isLUSH boolean The current player biome has the LUSH trait
biome.isMAGICAL boolean The current player biome has the MAGICAL trait
biome.isMESA boolean The current player biome has the MESA trait
biome.isMOUNTAIN boolean The current player biome has the MOUNTAIN trait
biome.isMUSHROOM boolean The current player biome has the MUSHROOM trait
biome.isNETHER boolean The current player biome has the NETHER trait
biome.isOCEAN boolean The current player biome has the OCEAN trait
biome.isPLAINS boolean The current player biome has the PLAINS trait
biome.isRARE boolean The current player biome has the RARE trait
biome.isRIVER boolean The current player biome has the RARE trait
biome.isSANDY boolean The current player biome has the SANDY trait
biome.isSAVANNA boolean The current player biome has the SAVANNA trait
biome.isSNOWY boolean The current player biome has the SNOWY trait
biome.isSPARSE boolean The current player biome has the SPARSE trait
biome.isSPOOKY boolean The current player biome has the SPOOKY trait
biome.isSWAMP boolean The current player biome has the SWAMP trait
biome.isVOID boolean The current player biome has the VOID trait
biome.isWASTELAND boolean The current player biome has the WASTELAND trait
biome.isWATER boolean The current player biome has the WATER trait
biome.isWET boolean The current player biome has the WET trait

Biome variables provide meta information about the player biome.

Biome Variables
Variable Type Description
biome.name string Name of the player biome (example: “Plains”)
biome.id string Resource ID of the biome (example: “minecraft:plains”)
biome.modid string The mod to which this biome belongs (example: “minecraft”)
biome.rainfall float The rainfall rating of the player biome
biome.temperature string The temperature rating of the player biome (‘icy’, ‘cold’, ‘mild’, ‘warm’, ‘hot’)
biome.temperatureValue float The temperature value of the player biome

Battle variables provide information related to battles taking place around the player. Battle music must be enabled to have these variables populated.

Battle Variables
Variable Type Description
battle.inBattle boolean Indicates if there is a battle nearby the player
battle.isBoss boolean Indicates if the battle is a boss fight
battle.isWither boolean Indicates if the battle is with a Wither
battle.isDragon boolean Indicates if the battle is with an Ender Dragon


player.health <= 8

This is essentially player.isHurt based on a default configuration. This is fragile, howevever, because a modpack author cannot tune the threshold.

biome.name == 'Plains'

Returns TRUE if the player’s current biome name is ‘Plains’.

MATCH('(?i)(.*plains.*)', biome.name)

Uses a regular expression to evaluate the player’s current biome name. If the name contains ‘plains’ regardless of case it will return TRUE.

IF(player.dimension == 0, player.isHurt, player.health <= 16)

If the player is currently in Overworld (dimension 0) it will return whether the player is hurt or not. If it is not Overworld then it will return whether the player’s current health is less than or equal to 16.

ONEOF(biome.temperature, 'icy', 'cold', 'mild')

Returns TRUE if the biome.temperature is ‘icy’, ‘cold’, or ‘mild’. This is a more compact form of chaining a bunch of ‘==’ expressions with ‘||’.

ONEOF(player.dimension, 0, -1)

Returns TRUE if the player dimension is either Overworld or Nether.


  • Strings are denoted in a script by using the apostrophe ‘. This is to minimize errors introduced in the Json config because of escaping. Example of the word ‘Overworld’ below:
"conditions":"match('(?i)(.*taiga.*|.*snow.*forest.*)', biome.name)",
        "conditions":"player.dimensionName == 'Overworld' && weather.isNotRaining && diurnal.isNight",
  • In a lot of cases ‘player.temperature’ and ‘biome.temperature’ will be the same. However, other mods can change dynamics of what the player experiences and what actually exists in the biome. A good example is the mod Tough As Nails. My recommendation is to use ‘player.temperature’ when dealing with PLAYER biome effects, and ‘biome.temperature’ for things attached to Biomes.